
Julka Hlapec Djordjevic: One correspondence

30.10.2010, Mini theatre, Križevniška 1, Ljubljana

Mini theatre in cooperation with Serbian Cultural Center “Danilo Kiš“, within the project “Actors read novels“

Julka Hlapec Đordjević: ONE CORRESPONDENCE

read by: Olga Kacjan

Pre-holiday reading of an almost forgotten, but a rather provocative book – a love dialogue between a Serbian feminist who lives in Prague and a doctor from Ljubljana, dating back to the thirties of the last century.

»Resistance« Movement and Movie »Bringing Down a Dictator«

6.2.2013, Club Gromka, AKC Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana


Interview with a political activist and leader of the »Resistance« movement, Srđa Popović

Serbian Cultural Center »Danilo Kiš« hosted Srđa Popović, one of the key leaders of the student movement »Resistance«, which decisively influenced the fall of Slobodan Milošević in Serbia at the end of the nineties.

Hosting Damir Imamović

11.3.2012, Menza pri koritu, Metelkova mesto

Serbian Cultural Center „Danilo Kis“ in cooperation with the Festival „Red Dawn“

HOSTING DAMIR IMAMOVIC – Concert: Damir Imamovic


12.3.2012, ISH, Faculty of Postgraduate Studies of Humanities, Knafelj`s passage 11

Serbian Cultural Center „Danilo Kis“ in cooperation with ISH, Faculty of Postgraduate Studies of Humanities

Sevdah Lab: Damir Imamovic

Assassination, our private matter

23.5.2011, Kinodvor

in cooperation with Kinodvor


Interview with Svetlana Lukic, the editor of Pescanik, and Srdja Popovic, a lawyer

In cooperation with Kinodvor, Serbian Cultural Center „Danilo Kis“ has organized a conversation with Svetlana Lukic, the editor of Pescanik, a media phenomenon from Belgrade, and with Srdja Popovic, the legendary Belgrade lawyer.