Blog and literature
Blog and literature

Blog and literature



presentation of books Jelica Greganović

Jelica Greganović is a journalist, writer and translator. One of the founder of the Serbian Radio B92. The last 20 years has been a correspondent from Ljubljana. At the same time, she is one of the most read and popular blogger VIP B92.

Books of Jelica Greganović were result of her blogs – first  book “The story never ends”, which was sold in the first six months in 10,000 copies and in 2009 was one of the 10 most read books in Serbia, and the other, “I just want to tell you. ”

Both collections of short stories talk about seemingly small things in life. The humorous stories about everyday events we experience, almost all, the author interweaves elements of his life in Slovenia. Now for the first time presented to the Slovenian public as a writer.

Conversation in Serbian and Slovenian was moderated by Saša Banjanac Lubej, a journalist and editor of the Journal.