Presentation of the book “Salad, fish and lace in the story of The Riverman from the Ljubljanica”
Presentation of the book by Robert Šabec and the exhibition of bobbin lace book illustration by Tina Koder Grajzer
Presentation of the book by Robert Šabec and the exhibition of bobbin lace book illustration by Tina Koder Grajzer
Vabimo v Pritličje na večer s prozo Miće Vujičića in poezijo Bojana Vasića.
Nekaterim je bilo že po objavi knjige Tonus jasno, da je Ivan Antić eden od najpomembnejših prozaistov nove generacije; ostalim pa verjetno ne bo nikoli. Vzrok možnega nesporazuma se večinoma skriva v antiintelektualizmu, ki je našemu obdobju imanenten. (…) Položaj, ki ga Ivan Antić z novo knjigo zavzema, bi se zato dalo primerjati s tistim, na katerega je naletel Albahari v začetku osemdesetih let…
Delavnica na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani v okviru izobraževalno-medijske kampanje za strpnost in različnost, proti predsodkom in diskriminaciji etničnih manjšin in migrantov.
Novinarska mreža, neformalna asocijacija novinara i novinarki s područja bivše Jugoslavije, uputila je zahtjev hrvatskim i bosanskohercegovačkim vlastima da pod hitno otkriju tko stoji iza prijetnji upućenih uredniku Novosti.
“Prigode jamskega škrata Perkmandlca” v Ljubljani
Interview with Jelena Hrnjak, NVO Atina, Belgrade
“Until now, the Balkan route, was the safest way for people to cross to Europe and right now over 60 per cent of the population are women and children of the population crossing. If the border is closing, they will resort to the smuggling system and it will put them further at risk and it will be much more dangerous and that is for sure a concern. There should be safe and legal options for people to apply for asylum and to be able to reach Europe, and with the Balkan route closing, it’s even more difficult to (do) for people now.” Interview with Francisca Baptista da Silva, Médecins Sans Frontières