6.2.2013, Club Gromka, AKC Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana

Interview with a political activist and leader of the »Resistance« movement, Srđa Popović
Serbian Cultural Center »Danilo Kiš« hosted Srđa Popović, one of the key leaders of the student movement »Resistance«, which decisively influenced the fall of Slobodan Milošević in Serbia at the end of the nineties.
Srđa Popović is founder of the Center for Nonviolent struggle (http://www.canvasopedia.org/), teaches the strategies and methods of nonviolent action for political change, and cooperates with civil movements all over the world. In recent years, few global media ranked him among the world’s leading thinkers and people who change the world.
Before the conversation the documentary »Bringing Down a Dictator« was staged, about the origin and development of the »Resistance«.