23.5.2011, Kinodvor
in cooperation with Kinodvor
Interview with Svetlana Lukic, the editor of Pescanik, and Srdja Popovic, a lawyer

In cooperation with Kinodvor, Serbian Cultural Center „Danilo Kis“ has organized a conversation with Svetlana Lukic, the editor of Pescanik, a media phenomenon from Belgrade, and with Srdja Popovic, the legendary Belgrade lawyer.
Pescanik is a radio station, which broadcasts once a week, and has an audience in Serbia larger than 300 000 listeners, and many more online listeners and readers all over the world. Pescanik publishes books, organizes interviews, produces films. They made a film/movie “Assassination, our private matter“, which can be seen/found on the Pescanik website (http://www.pescanik.net) and on Youtube.
The lawyer Srdja Popovic comes from the famous Belgrade lawyers` family: his father had defended communists before the World War II. Srdja Popovic was the first who began defending dissidents of communism, especially student rebels after 1968. Several times he has been perscuted along with his clients. He dared to defend the Ustasha criminal Andrija Artukovic before the fall of Yugoslavia. The uncompromising fighter against all nationalisms and advocate of human rights, he initiated the petition for protection of the Albanians in 1981, which was signed by 200 Belgrade citizens. He initiated societies, actions and petitions against the death penalty. He returned to Serbia after several years spent in the USA and critically monitored the changes after the fall of Milosevic. After the assassination of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic and the trial, he began the judicial process as a representative of the family of Zoran Djindjic. He discovered an unexpectedly wide political background of the assassination.